Well the Olympics are finally over. Sixteen days of competition have come to a close and I have to say that I really did enjoy the games of the 28th Olympiad. I spent this weekend once again glued to the various channels enjoying soccer, volleyball, diving, and track and field. I salute the athletes of all 202 countries, in my book you all deserve a medal just for making it to the games.
Another sport I am very fond of is football. Preseason is underway and my Packers are 1 and 2, but they will be okay. I am a little upset with the NFL Network, they were suppose to show Friday nights game on Saturday night and then they showed another game. Make me mad because I did not listen to the game online Friday because I was just going to watch it. Oh well, I read about the highlights, if you can call them that, and feel okay about missing it. Now when regular season comes I will not shrug it off so easily, trust me.
Other wise the weekend was mostly uneventful. I went to the knee doctor on Friday hoping to be released from his care only to learn that I tweaked my knee cap that day I twisted my knee and have some things to do with that before he will let me go. Otherwise things went good, my ACL has reached MMI and my case manager is pleased with my progress. HURRAY! I guess now I know that any profession can be dangerous, I can say though that I really thought I would be safe as a librarian. At least I gave ACL something to remember me by.
Well that is it for this little bunny rant. Hope that all withstood Tropical Storm Gaston, pray that SMC and LCL are still standing.
Keep it real.
Are you sure its not Monday?
Yes my month of Mondays continues. Today just seemed like a day that was just stagnant. Faculty meeting was postponed, painted, had Hiz Day, painted, book orders, and then the man from the bindery showed up. The bindery man was a surprise and I was in no way prepared for him at all. None of the forms were filled out because the confused me. He showed me how to fill them out and was willing to wait for me to prepare all the journals for binding. However, this was not working for me because somehow all the journals got out of order and were basically being uncooperative. So, needless to say it will be another month before all that stuff gets done, oh well at least now I know how to fill out the form.
I think my secret pal doesn't like me. Oh well, maybe I am just to eclectic to get a handle on. But really, send me some licorice or white chocolate or peanut butter and I am good to go.
Not much else. I am still enjoying the Olympics, I do wish that they could start the cool stuff a little earlier in the evening, stupid central time. Didn't go swimming today, should probably do some exercises since I see the doctor Friday. Pray that I finally get released, stupid girth. For those of you scratching your head, I had my right ACL repaired in December and am still under the doctor's care. Just remember to be good to your knees because you will miss them when they are gone.
that's it for this Bunny Rant, hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
Keep it real!
I think my secret pal doesn't like me. Oh well, maybe I am just to eclectic to get a handle on. But really, send me some licorice or white chocolate or peanut butter and I am good to go.
Not much else. I am still enjoying the Olympics, I do wish that they could start the cool stuff a little earlier in the evening, stupid central time. Didn't go swimming today, should probably do some exercises since I see the doctor Friday. Pray that I finally get released, stupid girth. For those of you scratching your head, I had my right ACL repaired in December and am still under the doctor's care. Just remember to be good to your knees because you will miss them when they are gone.

that's it for this Bunny Rant, hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
Keep it real!
No quiet here
Thought I would give an update on the state of LCL.
We are still painting, would have loved to have had this done prior to the start of the semester but I am just glad to have the paint. The insanity green is almost gone, at least in the reference room which is getting its second coat of paint. We still have the ed room, hallway, me office, and then what ever else it will color. Would love to paint the bathrooms but not sure how far we can get the paint to go. The windows are getting fixed, hurray! Only a couple more to go. We have noticed over the last few days that quiet does not work well in a library going through renovation. With painting, hammering, and the wonderful trains there is no such thing. I may not help with that, show up on the right day at the right time and you could get the stand-up routine.
Other than that the library is shaping up really well. I ordered books today, so I am itching for that new book smell to show up on my door step. I also got to actually be a librarian today, like what I went to school for--reference. Sure did, answered some questions, gave some guidance, taught a little, and hopefully helped a lot. I even learned something about a search engine I like to use http://vivismo.com, you can search within the clusters, so totally cool. Anyway, I really like being able to help students, showing them how to find things and get the most out of the sources and resources we have available.
The new library website is also looking pretty cool, kudos to LN and the others. Now I just have to get her the journal/periodical information and we should be good to go. Probably need to add some more links on the internet resources page, guess I better find them. Any suggestions?
Well it is more painting and a faculty meeting tomorrow, wish me luck, at least lunch is with the Hiz Day crew. Until then. . .
. . .Keep it real!
We are still painting, would have loved to have had this done prior to the start of the semester but I am just glad to have the paint. The insanity green is almost gone, at least in the reference room which is getting its second coat of paint. We still have the ed room, hallway, me office, and then what ever else it will color. Would love to paint the bathrooms but not sure how far we can get the paint to go. The windows are getting fixed, hurray! Only a couple more to go. We have noticed over the last few days that quiet does not work well in a library going through renovation. With painting, hammering, and the wonderful trains there is no such thing. I may not help with that, show up on the right day at the right time and you could get the stand-up routine.
Other than that the library is shaping up really well. I ordered books today, so I am itching for that new book smell to show up on my door step. I also got to actually be a librarian today, like what I went to school for--reference. Sure did, answered some questions, gave some guidance, taught a little, and hopefully helped a lot. I even learned something about a search engine I like to use http://vivismo.com, you can search within the clusters, so totally cool. Anyway, I really like being able to help students, showing them how to find things and get the most out of the sources and resources we have available.
The new library website is also looking pretty cool, kudos to LN and the others. Now I just have to get her the journal/periodical information and we should be good to go. Probably need to add some more links on the internet resources page, guess I better find them. Any suggestions?
Well it is more painting and a faculty meeting tomorrow, wish me luck, at least lunch is with the Hiz Day crew. Until then. . .
. . .Keep it real!
Monday Monday
Well it was Monday and it sure felt like it. Not too much exciting happened other then ordering some books, and we all know how much I like new books. Ate at Taco Bell, jury is still out on that food, had a very interesting time. Didn't even paint today, will be doing that tomorrow. Sure does look nice in there, much brighter and happier.
Check out the webpage www.geocities.com/thumpster73, I have new pictures up of the manimals. Hope that all have a great week, study hard but don't hurt yourself on a period at the end of the sentence (it can be painful).
Back to getting in the hole.
Keep it real.
Check out the webpage www.geocities.com/thumpster73, I have new pictures up of the manimals. Hope that all have a great week, study hard but don't hurt yourself on a period at the end of the sentence (it can be painful).
Back to getting in the hole.
Keep it real.
I would hurt myself
Okay I have been watching the Olympics all weekend long. Not just the normal sports, gymnastics, swimming, tennis, but the unusual ones too, table tennis, badminton, beach volley ball, trampoline (I know that shocked me too.) I have been watching them basically because they are only on once every four years and because I know that a lot of this stuff I could never do. Watching gymnastics makes me hurt, I know I could not do half that stuff and of the half I could do I would probably be busted in two afterwards. One of our women gymnasts tore her ACL just over a year ago and she won silver in the vault. My knee goes out just watching her. I had that same injury and surgery and 8 months out of surgery I would not even think of that, I am happy to go up and down stairs like an adult.
Then there is the marathon, 26.2 miles of running. Now all I can say is that the only reason I am running is if something big, mean, and hairy is chasing me and after the first 100 yards I would let them have me. I am just amazed at these athletes. I was in sports growing up, ice hockey, swimming, volley ball, soft ball, but the dedication and commitment that these athletes shows is just unbelievable. I say they all get a medal--you finished the marathon, here's the copper medal. I mean really, just for making it to the Olympics is a big win all in itself. So Olympic athletes I salute you for doing things I know I cannot do and doing them without getting hurt (or almost), you GO.
Yep, that was my weekend, watching the Olympics, which has been sports overload for my hubby. It sure does make me miss volley ball :(
Did I do anything else? Oh yeah, I cleaned different areas of the house, made two batches of croutons which were quickly gobbled up by the afore mentioned hubby, and we went for a ride in the Jeep to see the logger damage. All-in-all it was a fun weekend, unfortunately it went to quickly and I didn't get everything done, including that illusive swim, but there is always tomorrow. Wait I have way to much to do for tomorrow, man. Maybe them paint fumes can take me away.
Getting in my hole. Keep it real.
Then there is the marathon, 26.2 miles of running. Now all I can say is that the only reason I am running is if something big, mean, and hairy is chasing me and after the first 100 yards I would let them have me. I am just amazed at these athletes. I was in sports growing up, ice hockey, swimming, volley ball, soft ball, but the dedication and commitment that these athletes shows is just unbelievable. I say they all get a medal--you finished the marathon, here's the copper medal. I mean really, just for making it to the Olympics is a big win all in itself. So Olympic athletes I salute you for doing things I know I cannot do and doing them without getting hurt (or almost), you GO.
Yep, that was my weekend, watching the Olympics, which has been sports overload for my hubby. It sure does make me miss volley ball :(
Did I do anything else? Oh yeah, I cleaned different areas of the house, made two batches of croutons which were quickly gobbled up by the afore mentioned hubby, and we went for a ride in the Jeep to see the logger damage. All-in-all it was a fun weekend, unfortunately it went to quickly and I didn't get everything done, including that illusive swim, but there is always tomorrow. Wait I have way to much to do for tomorrow, man. Maybe them paint fumes can take me away.
Getting in my hole. Keep it real.
Get in the Hole
Well we are still paint and the reference room is torn up. But man does it ever look good. Loving the bright color, and painting has been fun, well except the ladder.
Okay, I am not fond of heights so being on a ladder 8 feet in the air is not my idea of a good time, but I did it for the team. Today I was standing on the last rung of the ladder before the DO NOT STAND OR SIT ON top part painting the window trim and the molding. I almost fell twice, not my idea of a good time. I had my ankles locked against the sides of the ladder but I had to bend over some to get the paint on my brush. Bending down not the problem, standing back up big problem. At least I got down, but not before one of my laughing attacks, which did not make my dismount any smoother. Hopefully I will not have to do that again for a while. Does anyone think it may have been easier if all the built ins were not in the way? Stupid circulation desk, always in the way. Y'all will have to stop by when it is done and see how nice it looks. Wait a minute aren't you suppose to use the library for homework? Humm, concept.
Just remember the montra for the week: "Get in the Hole, Get in the Hole!" Paint cinder block once and you will understand.
Keep it real.
Okay, I am not fond of heights so being on a ladder 8 feet in the air is not my idea of a good time, but I did it for the team. Today I was standing on the last rung of the ladder before the DO NOT STAND OR SIT ON top part painting the window trim and the molding. I almost fell twice, not my idea of a good time. I had my ankles locked against the sides of the ladder but I had to bend over some to get the paint on my brush. Bending down not the problem, standing back up big problem. At least I got down, but not before one of my laughing attacks, which did not make my dismount any smoother. Hopefully I will not have to do that again for a while. Does anyone think it may have been easier if all the built ins were not in the way? Stupid circulation desk, always in the way. Y'all will have to stop by when it is done and see how nice it looks. Wait a minute aren't you suppose to use the library for homework? Humm, concept.
Just remember the montra for the week: "Get in the Hole, Get in the Hole!" Paint cinder block once and you will understand.
Keep it real.
Contact Buzz
We finally got the paint for the library yesterday so today we started painting. The color looks so good, but then anything would be better than insanity green, or as one patron put it incarceration green. The color is a yellowish cream, banana cream, and really brightens up the library. When I left there was only one wall left in the reference room that needed the first coat. There will need to be a second coat, but things are moving so good it should be done by Friday--hopefully.
The fumes were getting pretty good in the library today. I got a little light headed, that was after the ladder incident, and more goofy then usual. Good thing we had pizza or I would probably not have survived the day. Had to go orientate new students to the library, hope it went well but the fume effects were in full force. Sorry if I bored ya or didn't make any sense. Now all I can smell is paint, and I am not even covered in it, just what I needed burned into my nasal cavity. Actually I am rather clean which surprised me after the shelf incident one would think I would be covered.
What should we paint next? My office or the education room? The entire library needs to be painted except for the Methodist and Periodicals rooms. Help me out here.
Remember to clean your brushes and the plastic tarps are slippery.
Keep it real.
The fumes were getting pretty good in the library today. I got a little light headed, that was after the ladder incident, and more goofy then usual. Good thing we had pizza or I would probably not have survived the day. Had to go orientate new students to the library, hope it went well but the fume effects were in full force. Sorry if I bored ya or didn't make any sense. Now all I can smell is paint, and I am not even covered in it, just what I needed burned into my nasal cavity. Actually I am rather clean which surprised me after the shelf incident one would think I would be covered.
What should we paint next? My office or the education room? The entire library needs to be painted except for the Methodist and Periodicals rooms. Help me out here.
Remember to clean your brushes and the plastic tarps are slippery.
Keep it real.
What was that?
All I can say is you call that football? I mean really could you have at least showed up to play the game? I just cannot take it, so this is it. My shoes are retired til the next game.
So real here it hurts.
So real here it hurts.
Ready for some Football

Not only does football start, but I have booked my annual trek to the Frozen Tundra. I am going to go to the October 24th game, a late afternoon game between the Packers and the Cowboys.

This weekend went very quickly. Spent the day Friday running errands and looking at a new car. Probably not going to get one, but still had a fun time test driving the 2004 Sonata. I also went grocery shopping, and don't forget the trip to the home improvement store. I have decided on colors for the bathroom (more info when it is all in my possession). Saturday was spent cleaning in various parts of the house. I worked on my closet, got rid of some clothes that I never wear or don't fit me, and worked in my office/work room. Got a lot done and the changes are even visible, I like it when you can tell something was done. The carpentry boy project went together and looks good, that finished on Sunday with all the organization. Sunday was lazy but still got some work done, and enjoyed the Olympic Games with the women's gymnastics, swimming, and rowing. I like how they have all the different games on the different channels, it does make me mad that the Diving is only available on the HD station, what a bummer.
Students are back on campus tomorrow (Monday) classes do not start until Wednesday but there are all sorts of things going on. It will be nice to have the students back, the library has been used this summer but it will be nice to have more faces in and out of the doors. Now if only we could get that paint.
Well hope all is well way out there where ever you may be.
Keep it real!
Olympic games and home improvement

The 2004 Summer Olympics have started, did not watch the opening ceremonies--sorry Stargate SG-1 was new--but I have watched some of the televised events. Love the coverage by the Bravo Channel. I got to watch women's field hockey and both the men and women's single table tennis. Exciting stuff, did you know that after the 2000 games they made the table tennis ball bigger in order to make the game more spectator friendly? I just don't get that. I also don't get why there are professional sports figures competing in the Olympics. I always thought that the these were the amateur games, you know the step before going professional. I mean really, that seems to be a large disadvantage. Sure other teams other than the United States have pros on there team, that really tall Yo (just be impressed that I even know this) guy plays for China. I just feel it wrong, let those who don't make the big paycheck have their time to shine, let them get some fame, and let them honor their country at the games.
Let me know what you think about this, because it really does bother me.
Okay, the spouse and I went to the happy home improvement store the other day for some supplies. He is playing carpenter boy and building himself some heavy duty shelves for his room. I think we could dance on the thing, but it does have to hold some pretty heavy stuff. I went for the purpose of finding a paint color for the bathroom used by the cats as well as guests. It is a small bathroom with a blue counter top, so I want something bright. I also want to do some sort of finish on the wall--this is my practice house so no big deal. However, all those paint colors just made the project that much worse. I ended up with a stack of the paint chip color things that is like two inches tall, mostly oranges and some reds. I did pick up some greens but have decided that green is way out when it comes to my house (to much in LCL).
I am leaning toward a rose red, like I said it has to go with the blue counter, and then doing a silver wash over that. I have some cute cat pulls for the door. The only problem with all this is if I will need to paint the wood work or not, no big deal but then I have to find another color, and seeing how difficult it has been so far I am not sure. When I painted the kitchen I knew I wanted a bright yellow, so finding the right yellow was a bit easier. I had thought orange, but now I am leaning toward that red, or maybe a berry. Would I be going to far if I were to but a fish skeleton motif on the walls, like a random pattern? The master bath is tropical fish, so maybe the cat bathroom should be dead fish.

Humm, one fish two fish, red fish blue fish, old fish dead fish new fish.
Decisions decisions, HELP! Calgon Take ME away. The madness of the colors is making me go slowly insane. I guess if I don't change the color I can always use the chips in scrap booking.

Well there is this addition of the bunny rantings.
Keep it real.
Fantasy Football and Kitty hickies
Its been a couple days, but they have been very long and have caused me to be a very sleepy girl, but I will try to fill y'all in.
sorry dozed off for a minute.
Last night was the draft for the Fantasy Football leauge I am in VFL. It started about 9:40 pm, I picked 11th out of 14. Which did not make me happy but it did work out alright. I drafted Ahman Green and Brett Farve of the Green Bay Packers as my first and second round picks. This made me very happy. However, Mr. B is going to have to get beaten like a red-headed step child for taking my other QB and Defense. Yep he took McNair and the TN Titan Defense. Made me very upset, especially all tired anyway. No worries, I will never beat Mr. B, maybe I will sick the dogs on him.
Anyway, out of 14 people I only know Mr. B, who I went to Library School with. (He is a very nice guy, the son of an United Methodist Minister from GA). Everyone else knows everyone else so it was somewhat strange.
Back to the SC Cheeseheads. By the 12th round of 20 I was picking people I had never even heard of. Hopefully Y! Rankings knows whats going on because I am very worried. So, if any suggestions just let me know. Here is my roster:
Quarterbacks: Brett Farve, GB; Jeff Garcia, Cle; Drew Bres, SD
Running Backs: Ahman Green, GB; Eddie George, DAL; Tyron Wheatly, OAK; Greg Jones, JAC; Larry Johnson, KC
Wide Receivers: Santan Moss, NYJ; Kevin Johnson, BAL; Rod Gardner, WAS; Deion Branch, NE; Travis Taylor, BAL; Josh Reed, BUF
Tight Ends: Bubba Franks, GB; Erron Kenny, TN
Kickers: Jeff Wilkins, StL; Joe Nedney, TN
Defense: Green Bay, Atlanta
Don't worry some of them scare me too! Let me know what you think.
Has anyone else woken up in the middle of the night by a very loud slurpping nose and moisture? For the last few nights my little kitty has been waking me up by suckeling on my hands. One would think that after the first couple times of not getting anything out he would quit, but not this little guy, nope he keeps trying on different areas of the hands and arms. It kind of tickles but he is so slobery that it is just not right. I would love to find a way to make him stop, any suggestions. I feel bad for him though too, he was taken away from his mommy too young, poor little guy. Due to all of this wonderful suckeling my hands have little suck marks, or hickies, on them. I have managed to wake up long before he attempts to get at my neck or face, I have fended off many attempts. Anyway, my little kitty sure is a terror. I will try to post a better picture to the web page one of these days so y'all can see them. They are really cute, terrors, but cute.
Not much else is going on. Had lunch with some students today, which was a lot of fun, we will have to do that again some time. Weather was getting very bad due to Bonnie, so I left work early just in case it got as bad has predicted. It started raining buckets when I left work and it rained on me the entire 70 miles home, luckily it did let up some.
Man are there ever stupid people on the road. Saw more than one person with out any head lights on, come on people the law states if your windsheild wipers are on then your head lights are suppose to be on. Oh, and just because you are in a big SUV Cadallac does not mean that you own the road. Not to mention the people going only 30 mph in a 55 mph. Put your hazards on if you are going to go slower than a turtle on the road--and ya might want to get those tail lights fixed so people coming up behind your slow moving gray car in a rain storm can see you and pass. I could go on forever stupidity bothers me, but lucky for you I will stop this particular rant right here before I say too much.
(This could cause me to burst)
Keep it real.
Sleepy time

Last night was the draft for the Fantasy Football leauge I am in VFL. It started about 9:40 pm, I picked 11th out of 14. Which did not make me happy but it did work out alright. I drafted Ahman Green and Brett Farve of the Green Bay Packers as my first and second round picks. This made me very happy. However, Mr. B is going to have to get beaten like a red-headed step child for taking my other QB and Defense. Yep he took McNair and the TN Titan Defense. Made me very upset, especially all tired anyway. No worries, I will never beat Mr. B, maybe I will sick the dogs on him.

Anyway, out of 14 people I only know Mr. B, who I went to Library School with. (He is a very nice guy, the son of an United Methodist Minister from GA). Everyone else knows everyone else so it was somewhat strange.
Back to the SC Cheeseheads. By the 12th round of 20 I was picking people I had never even heard of. Hopefully Y! Rankings knows whats going on because I am very worried. So, if any suggestions just let me know. Here is my roster:
Quarterbacks: Brett Farve, GB; Jeff Garcia, Cle; Drew Bres, SD
Running Backs: Ahman Green, GB; Eddie George, DAL; Tyron Wheatly, OAK; Greg Jones, JAC; Larry Johnson, KC
Wide Receivers: Santan Moss, NYJ; Kevin Johnson, BAL; Rod Gardner, WAS; Deion Branch, NE; Travis Taylor, BAL; Josh Reed, BUF
Tight Ends: Bubba Franks, GB; Erron Kenny, TN
Kickers: Jeff Wilkins, StL; Joe Nedney, TN
Defense: Green Bay, Atlanta
Don't worry some of them scare me too! Let me know what you think.
Has anyone else woken up in the middle of the night by a very loud slurpping nose and moisture? For the last few nights my little kitty has been waking me up by suckeling on my hands. One would think that after the first couple times of not getting anything out he would quit, but not this little guy, nope he keeps trying on different areas of the hands and arms. It kind of tickles but he is so slobery that it is just not right. I would love to find a way to make him stop, any suggestions. I feel bad for him though too, he was taken away from his mommy too young, poor little guy. Due to all of this wonderful suckeling my hands have little suck marks, or hickies, on them. I have managed to wake up long before he attempts to get at my neck or face, I have fended off many attempts. Anyway, my little kitty sure is a terror. I will try to post a better picture to the web page one of these days so y'all can see them. They are really cute, terrors, but cute.
Not much else is going on. Had lunch with some students today, which was a lot of fun, we will have to do that again some time. Weather was getting very bad due to Bonnie, so I left work early just in case it got as bad has predicted. It started raining buckets when I left work and it rained on me the entire 70 miles home, luckily it did let up some.

Keep it real.
Sleepy time

Where's my other sock?
Kitties running a muck, that is what went on today. They definitely tore it up today. When I got home from work things were all out of order. My newly tie-dyed socks, actually sock, was in the living room it had been way up in a hamper in the bedroom. Picked that up, went to find the other one and it was no where. I finally found it at the other end of the house underneath our adult cat, and I know she didn't do it. Smart little kitties, setting up their older sister at such a young age. But that was not all. My robe, which I laid on the bed this morning was out on the dogs' blanket. Seeing how that has never happened before I know it was the kitties. What I cannot figure out is how they carried it, they are not even ten pounds between them. Like I said smart little kitties.
Other than that not much went on today. Just another day at work! Oh, I did add a new pic to my web page of the little terror cats, if one cares to take a peek.
Keep it real.
Other than that not much went on today. Just another day at work! Oh, I did add a new pic to my web page of the little terror cats, if one cares to take a peek.
Keep it real.
Are Mondays Contagious?
My week of Mondays turned into my husbands full day of Mondays on Friday. He got up early to go to Wal-Mart so I could take his car in to get the oil changed. Once he got back to the car with a buggy full of perisables he notices that his car has a flat tire, not good at 5 am. So, he fills the tire with Flat Fix, if you don't have some in your car get some, and brings the groceries home. He then has to get his tire fixed so he goes into the tire place, the manager is there, but no workers, they come in late. Did I mention he would have been on his way to work after dropping off the groceries? They finally get his tire fixed, so he is only three hours late for work. He came home and went to do some work in the woods. No big deal right? WRONG. Not only did he lose a spring thing off the mower thing for the tractor but he lost his glasses. Yep, cannot find them anywhere. So my week of Mondays did continue too. Luckily it did get better.
Had a very eventful weekend. Friday I went to the bank and the store with the dogs, at the bank they got treats. They love riding in the car, about knocked me over going out the door they were so excited to go. Usually in August in South Carolina dogs in the car is cruel, but it was cool enough out with a nice breeze I felt they deserved the treat. When we got home we didn't do much. But they did get their hair cut. It took me three hours to shave both dogs! The little one is a little bit more cooperative then the big one, not to mention two little kitties wanting to get into everything. It was very interesting. Once the shaving was done I sent them outside for thier bath, which they would perfer we forget about.
Worked in my home office all weekend too, trying to get it more orgainzed for what it is used for. It used to be a study while I was in graduate school but now it has turned into craft central so things need to be changed. This is however a two person project seeing that I need shelves in the closet so I can actually get at everything. Not to mention that I will be adding about four boxes of books and a box of War Between the States Memorbilia. I still have a lot of books out, mostly first edition and collections dealing with the previously mentioned war, but some are going away for now. I cannot wait to have a study where all these beautiful books can be displayed, but for now I will have to pick and choose those which to show. No worries, the Harry Potter Collection is still out, and better displayed also.
Other then that didn't do to much, swam for a while one day and we went out to eat as a treat on Saturday afternoon. Basically the weekend was spent cleaning, spending time with the animals, and recovering from a week full of mondays for the whole household. Because if one of us is having a bad day we are all having a bad day.
Hope all is well out there, keep it real.
Had a very eventful weekend. Friday I went to the bank and the store with the dogs, at the bank they got treats. They love riding in the car, about knocked me over going out the door they were so excited to go. Usually in August in South Carolina dogs in the car is cruel, but it was cool enough out with a nice breeze I felt they deserved the treat. When we got home we didn't do much. But they did get their hair cut. It took me three hours to shave both dogs! The little one is a little bit more cooperative then the big one, not to mention two little kitties wanting to get into everything. It was very interesting. Once the shaving was done I sent them outside for thier bath, which they would perfer we forget about.
Worked in my home office all weekend too, trying to get it more orgainzed for what it is used for. It used to be a study while I was in graduate school but now it has turned into craft central so things need to be changed. This is however a two person project seeing that I need shelves in the closet so I can actually get at everything. Not to mention that I will be adding about four boxes of books and a box of War Between the States Memorbilia. I still have a lot of books out, mostly first edition and collections dealing with the previously mentioned war, but some are going away for now. I cannot wait to have a study where all these beautiful books can be displayed, but for now I will have to pick and choose those which to show. No worries, the Harry Potter Collection is still out, and better displayed also.
Other then that didn't do to much, swam for a while one day and we went out to eat as a treat on Saturday afternoon. Basically the weekend was spent cleaning, spending time with the animals, and recovering from a week full of mondays for the whole household. Because if one of us is having a bad day we are all having a bad day.
Hope all is well out there, keep it real.
Every day is a Monday
A week full of Mondays, man do I ever hate when that happens. As if Mondays are not bad enough all ready but then to have four of them in a row is just plain wrong.
Monday: twisted my surgically repaired knee, pleasant. I also managed to leave my work keys on my desk at work. Blonde moment on my part! Spilled coffee on one of my nice suits while getting in my car to leave work (at least I was leaving and it wasn't HOT coffee).
Tuesday: my white kitten Cotton became "Sewer Rat Cat" by jumping into the flushing toilet not soon after I got home from work. Please refer to previous postings.
Wednesday: paper cut under my fingernail right at the nail paralleling it. OUCH!! Not to mention rolling a 19 on a 20 sided die for my VFL (Fantasy Football) Draft number, you guessed last, unless someone doesn't roll before the cut-off day. Fingers crossed on that one.
Thursday: its just one of those days. It really hurts to type because of the paper cut, and it is the "e" key finger too.
Sure thing, nothing better then a week full of Mondays. Today was not as bad, injury wise; and I had an enjoyable lunch. Thanks for the french fries, you know who you are.
Today is my Friday work wise, HURRAY, the weekend is here! No long drive to work just some errands to run. For those of you working Friday my apologies but--I don't have to work today, I don't have to work today
(sorry had to do it)
Oh and sorry about Hurricane Alex, go figure that the curse of my parents still looms. They have a remarkable track record of visiting a place and soon after they leave it is destroyed by natural disaster. Hum, maybe Mother Nature is trying to say something. Case in point, we snowmobiling through Yellow Stone National Park the winter before the fire. Again, SORRY!
Keep it real.
Monday: twisted my surgically repaired knee, pleasant. I also managed to leave my work keys on my desk at work. Blonde moment on my part! Spilled coffee on one of my nice suits while getting in my car to leave work (at least I was leaving and it wasn't HOT coffee).
Tuesday: my white kitten Cotton became "Sewer Rat Cat" by jumping into the flushing toilet not soon after I got home from work. Please refer to previous postings.
Wednesday: paper cut under my fingernail right at the nail paralleling it. OUCH!! Not to mention rolling a 19 on a 20 sided die for my VFL (Fantasy Football) Draft number, you guessed last, unless someone doesn't roll before the cut-off day. Fingers crossed on that one.
Thursday: its just one of those days. It really hurts to type because of the paper cut, and it is the "e" key finger too.
Sure thing, nothing better then a week full of Mondays. Today was not as bad, injury wise; and I had an enjoyable lunch. Thanks for the french fries, you know who you are.
Today is my Friday work wise, HURRAY, the weekend is here! No long drive to work just some errands to run. For those of you working Friday my apologies but--I don't have to work today, I don't have to work today

Oh and sorry about Hurricane Alex, go figure that the curse of my parents still looms. They have a remarkable track record of visiting a place and soon after they leave it is destroyed by natural disaster. Hum, maybe Mother Nature is trying to say something. Case in point, we snowmobiling through Yellow Stone National Park the winter before the fire. Again, SORRY!
Keep it real.
Pet Peeves
Have a few but will only rant on one, lucky you. :)
I really hate it when people misspell my name, especially when I have spelled it for them or it is written at the bottom of an e-mail. Hey, there's no H on my name so stop putting it there! Sheesh, mean really!!
I could go on and on, but lucky for y'all that isn't going to happen.
Tie-dye shirts and socks turned out pretty cool, one looks like it has lips on it.
Got two rolls of film back today. Have some great pictures of all the manimals, all ya have to do is ask.
Well keep it real.
I really hate it when people misspell my name, especially when I have spelled it for them or it is written at the bottom of an e-mail. Hey, there's no H on my name so stop putting it there! Sheesh, mean really!!
I could go on and on, but lucky for y'all that isn't going to happen.
Tie-dye shirts and socks turned out pretty cool, one looks like it has lips on it.
Got two rolls of film back today. Have some great pictures of all the manimals, all ya have to do is ask.
Well keep it real.
Sewer Cat
Ever had a cat jump in the toliet while its flushing and then have the lid close on it? Just something else that made my Tuesday seem like a Monday.
My little white cat, named Cotton, which we call Rat because of his apperance and personality has now become Sewer Rat Cat due to his plung yesterday. Had to give him a bath and dry his little paws--still has stiches in them from his surgery. Silly kitty, its a real good thing I love my manimals.
Make it a good one! :)
My little white cat, named Cotton, which we call Rat because of his apperance and personality has now become Sewer Rat Cat due to his plung yesterday. Had to give him a bath and dry his little paws--still has stiches in them from his surgery. Silly kitty, its a real good thing I love my manimals.
Make it a good one! :)
Ranting little Bunny thoughts!!!
Rain Rain please don't stay your making my library rot away.
And that is all I am saying about that!!!
Today was one of those days, not as bad as yesterday but still a day. Started with the dog crying at 2 am to go outside. He never does that, all I know is that he is very lucky he did what he said he needed to. Then of course the other dog had to attend him, so when they came back in their paws were wet so they couldn't come back to bed. I am so used to them in the bad it is difficult to get back to sleep with out them. Yep, I am a pet parent and love 'em all to no end!
Oops, got off track, that will happen.
Work was work. Got some stuff done, worked on a project I have been procrastinating for a while now. Unfortunately, I got only about half way through it when all effectiveness was done. But at least I did get some of it done. My two favorite little cleaners came by and made the library beautiful, well once ya look past the wall color (but that is getting fixed:)!) Thought I was tie dying this morning but then it ended up being in the afternoon, which actually was better. Had an interesting discovery that would have been more tragic in the morning. After the first round of tie-dying shirts for Hiz Day 04, we put all the supplies in the bucket, including a full gallon of soda ash water. Well needless to say when we opened the bucket it was a good thing we had everything, but the directions, in plastic bags, because it was all floating. That's right, the soda ash gallon developed a hole in the bottom and made somewhat of a mess. Plastic bags saved us N8. The process went very smoothly this afternoon, cannot wait to see how the five shirts and two pairs of socks turned out. If I am lucky I will have a really cool rainbow spiral. We even managed to keep the library clean and not get any dye on myself. Then it was time to go.
Okay, still working on the date I am going to go to the football game up in Green Bay. Before that though there is the draft for my Fantasy Football team the SC Cheeseheads. I will take suggestions, especially if ya know anything about football. Any one who knows me knows I love football, especially my Packers, so if they wear Green & Gold they are definitely on my possible draft list. Have one rule, they cannot be a Viking--which makes Brock Lesner a big ZERO. I guess they are scraping the bottom of the barrel up in Minnesota.
Well hope it has been real for all.
I guess that is a Bunny Rant.
Peace, Y'all!
And that is all I am saying about that!!!
Today was one of those days, not as bad as yesterday but still a day. Started with the dog crying at 2 am to go outside. He never does that, all I know is that he is very lucky he did what he said he needed to. Then of course the other dog had to attend him, so when they came back in their paws were wet so they couldn't come back to bed. I am so used to them in the bad it is difficult to get back to sleep with out them. Yep, I am a pet parent and love 'em all to no end!
Oops, got off track, that will happen.
Work was work. Got some stuff done, worked on a project I have been procrastinating for a while now. Unfortunately, I got only about half way through it when all effectiveness was done. But at least I did get some of it done. My two favorite little cleaners came by and made the library beautiful, well once ya look past the wall color (but that is getting fixed:)!) Thought I was tie dying this morning but then it ended up being in the afternoon, which actually was better. Had an interesting discovery that would have been more tragic in the morning. After the first round of tie-dying shirts for Hiz Day 04, we put all the supplies in the bucket, including a full gallon of soda ash water. Well needless to say when we opened the bucket it was a good thing we had everything, but the directions, in plastic bags, because it was all floating. That's right, the soda ash gallon developed a hole in the bottom and made somewhat of a mess. Plastic bags saved us N8. The process went very smoothly this afternoon, cannot wait to see how the five shirts and two pairs of socks turned out. If I am lucky I will have a really cool rainbow spiral. We even managed to keep the library clean and not get any dye on myself. Then it was time to go.
Okay, still working on the date I am going to go to the football game up in Green Bay. Before that though there is the draft for my Fantasy Football team the SC Cheeseheads. I will take suggestions, especially if ya know anything about football. Any one who knows me knows I love football, especially my Packers, so if they wear Green & Gold they are definitely on my possible draft list. Have one rule, they cannot be a Viking--which makes Brock Lesner a big ZERO. I guess they are scraping the bottom of the barrel up in Minnesota.
Well hope it has been real for all.
I guess that is a Bunny Rant.
Peace, Y'all!
There's that SMELL again!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! The smell of new books, ya just gotta love it. Some people like new car smell I love the smell of new books. You open the box and there it is, freshly printed paper and binding, mmmmmmm. Yep, new books have started to come in and I get all excited about it. I guess it is one way to show that I am actually doing my job. Plus, I get to put the new titles in the "What's New at LCL" part of the newsletter. I really like to be able to do that, not that it draws a crowd or anything. Never know, one of these days there will be that title that just knocks 'em off their seats and the will bust the doors down trying to get it. Yep now I am dreaming, but at least I'm dreaming.
Think maybe that week of vacation made me just a touch loonier then I had been previously? Who would have thought, me even more crazy then before. I guess a week with two recovering kittens will do that to a person. But they sure are cute, Cotton and Dixie.
Pretty soon it will be from the smell of fresh paint. Yep, the color has been picked now LCL is just waiting on the green light to get the 10 gallons of paint for our little neck of SMC. That's right soon the reference room will be an inviting Banana Cream yellow to invite everyone in. A nice soothing color that will not offend the eyes instantaneously. Yep, no more insanity green, and if we are lucky the entire library (except the MR) will get a new glow. Yep yep way excited about that, one color--and a perty one at that.
Enough on that rant, this Bunny is off. Shhhhh, and turn in them books!
Think maybe that week of vacation made me just a touch loonier then I had been previously? Who would have thought, me even more crazy then before. I guess a week with two recovering kittens will do that to a person. But they sure are cute, Cotton and Dixie.
Pretty soon it will be from the smell of fresh paint. Yep, the color has been picked now LCL is just waiting on the green light to get the 10 gallons of paint for our little neck of SMC. That's right soon the reference room will be an inviting Banana Cream yellow to invite everyone in. A nice soothing color that will not offend the eyes instantaneously. Yep, no more insanity green, and if we are lucky the entire library (except the MR) will get a new glow. Yep yep way excited about that, one color--and a perty one at that.
Enough on that rant, this Bunny is off. Shhhhh, and turn in them books!
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