Due to Budget Cuts

Can I just say that I HATE that phrase, especially when I have to use it.  Today I had to do something I was hoping I would never have to do, I had to let a part-time employee go due to the budget.  Totally sucked, but she is gracious and understanding, and she is already retired, just wanted a part-time job.  But when they get rid of Adjunct Faculty she was on the list too.  Did I mention this totally sucked?  Not only did I have to tell her, but I had to inform my staff, one of which I still need to inform because she went home sick.  Too bad too, because she is one that will be the most directly effected by this decision.  Looks like more work for all of us.  I tried to keep her, I really did, but there was nothing I could do, totally and completely SUCKS!!!  I can honestly say I hope that I NEVER EVER have to do that again.

Other than that I have been working feverishly on the baby gifts for Saturday's Baby Shower.  I am so excited, I have both albums done--whoo hoo!!!  Just some finishing touches to both, make a card and the gift bag and life is good.  Thank goodness too, because I have so much other stuff that I need to do between now and well for the most part the 15th.

I need to make 60 Christmas Tags and stamp them for the kid's stockings.  I am hoping that we can stamp them at work, they won't all be the same but they will all be stamped.  Too bad I cannot bring the Bug to work, because then we would make them all right there.  I also need to make three gift card holder cards, have no idea what I am going to do this year, but hopefully something will come to me quick.  I also want to make Christmas Cards for everyone at work, which is about 30 people, YIKES, hopefully I will at least get my department done this weekend in time for the Christmas Party.  I also need to get cards made for family as well as get some gifts for the niece and nephews, one hopes I can do a good job.  Oh, and I got my first assignment for OOTF, and well that is due by the 15th.  And then there is everything else.

My wedding anniversary is on the 10th, whoo hoo!!  We will be celebrating 10 years, how crazy is that.  I have been working about 50 hours a week, I have meetings, and projects I am working on, I would really like to scrap for me, and to actually enjoy watching a football game.  Calgon and Mr. Bacardi take me away to a special place.  Seriously, this is one stressed out Bunny.  

I can say, that it has to get better, hopefully it cannot get much worse--but don't quote me on that because, well, where is that wood I should be knocking on?  Thanks for letting me vent, not that I feel any better about the day, but at least I got that off my chest.  Well, I will post the albums and such when I get everything done.  That's it from now from the Bunny Hole, peace!

Still In Shock!!

Yes, I have knows since last Friday morning that I was chosen as one of six Guest Designers for Outta This Funk (OOTF), and I am still in total shock. I so cannot believe that I was picked, the amount of talent in that community is amazing!! I can say I am glad to see that my friends Nutter and Frogs were chosen as well, who knows the craziness we can get into on this one. I do have to say that I am totally honored to have been picked, the Inspiration Team members are some of my favorites of all time. So, having them pick me is beyond an honor. When I sent in my bio, I had no idea what to write, the only time I have ever done anything like that is for a cover letter, which is totally different. I realized I forgot to say how long I have scrapped or anything like that. But as hubby says, they all know you so really, but then there are members there that do not know me, so I wish I would have put more. But I guess if they want to know they can always ask.

So, I can say I am a designer, lol, even if its just a guest spot, its still very cool. If you would like to take a peek at OOTF please do. If you are a scrapper you will be sure to enjoy it, and gain lots of inspiration, if you are not a scrapper enjoy the beautiful work created by these awesome scrappers. Whoop whoop!!!!

Well that's it from the Bunny Hole, until next time, peace out!!

Where to start

Well it seems like lately I am not sure if I am coming or going in every area of my life.

Work has been just crazy.  There have been state wide budget cuts, and well that includes my little slice of the state budget.  I have been busy at work creating reports, counting pennies, canceling titles and trying to cut our budget.  I am not the decision maker for the budget, but I am in charge of the bills, so it really affects me and my staff.  There has been a lot of stress and extra work and I think its starting to get to all of us.  I may just have to do a departmental get out of the office free card and take everyone to lunch somewhere.  I would say order it, but honestly I think we need to get out of the office and have some non-office fun.  I wonder if pool and lunch would be doable?  May have to look into that, have a little departmental Christmas party.

Sorta got off the track there.  Any way I have been working hard and feeling like I am accomplishing nothing.  Just when I think I may be caught up something else lands on my desk, usually via email.  It just seems like it is never going to end, and I am thinking it has to or else I could be in for a world of hurt.

Home has been a little crazy too.  I have been playing phone tag with several close friends and never seeming to get to chat.  I did get to talk to my bestest friend in the world the other day.  It was so nice to catch up and to learn more about her new little daughter.  I just hope that little stinker gets good and strong so she can have her much needed surgery.  I want to go up and see them, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen anytime soon.  Maybe a good Birthday present.  Any way we found out that hubby doesn't have narcolepsy, which is good, but still he is so sleepy all the time.  They gave him some meds to try for the sleepiness, and well lets just say that not so much.  I knew when I read the possible side effects that he should not take them, but he tried one any way, and well I was right.  Yikes!!!  So now, who knows.  

I really need to work in my scrappy room.  I have two baby albums I need to get done by December 6th, and between then and now is Turkey day.  Not only do I have albums I have to make, I have a bunch of page kits that I need to do.  I just want to have them done, they have been sitting here waiting to be scrapped for way to long.  I am hoping that this weekend I can not only get a bunch of much needed house work done, but get some scrapping done too.  My room needs to be straightened up, nothing to outrageous, but it needs to be done.  Plus I want to make sure that my mil can be in my scrappy room with me, going to try to get her to make some cards, will have to see about getting some kits together maybe.  Did I just give myself more work, am I nuts.

On that note, the in-laws are coming for Turkey Day, and I am excited!!!!  Need to do some prep work for them but with hubby's help we will have it ship shape before they get here.  I sorta wish they were coming Tuesday but, I guess Wednesday will do.  Thursday we will feast and watch football (hopefully there will be a game worth watching, if not no football for me.)  And then if tradition stands on Friday morning mil and I will be crazy and get up really early and go shopping :D!!!  We have so much fun.  

So, seeing that I had no idea where to start, I have no idea where to end.  As one can see its been hectic around here!!!  Someone tell me that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, that is unless its that freight train, in which case get its number because it done hit me.  Hopefully I will get some time to upload some new creations.  That's it for now from the bunny hole, peace out!

Disclaimer: If this post seems very random, sketchy, choppy, or otherwise just plain odd, it is due to the sleepy nature of the Bunny.  One hopes I will be more awake next time!!!

The Hardest Card

I think that yesterday I made the hardest card I have ever had to make in my life.   Finding everything I needed for it was not the hard part, the hard part was what the card was for.  Our building manager and his wife lost their unborn baby last week--she was at 22 weeks.  Well, we wanted a card for him, and of course I said I could.  I did, and it turned out beautiful.  But trying to figure out what to put on the inside was impossible, so I left it blank.  Which turned out to be a good thing seeing that about fifteen people signed it.  I have to say trying to find the words to express your heartache for them is hard, and finding an appropriate sentiment was just has hard.  I just want to say, I hope that I never ever have to make another card for such an occasion.

Here is the card, in case you were curious.

Well that's it for this time, peace out from the bunny hole.

Pumpkins and Pages

Well this weekend went by to quickly as usual, but I did manage to get a lot accomplished.  Friday night hubby and I carved our pumpkins.  I know, Halloween night seems a bit late for this, but it has sorta become tradition here.  This year hubby even carved his own.  While we carved we watched the Munsters Marathon that was on, it was a nice evening.

Saturday I spent the day cleaning and organizing my scrappy hole.  I managed to get all my paper put away, which was no small feat.  I did a good organizing session, that included putting away stuff that was left from working on projects of the past.  I also ran to Michael's to get a Cropper Hopper organizing set for my paper.  I knew I was going to need something for all my new fun yummy paper, and that kit was perfect.  I also listened to the Gamecock football game, way to go Gamecocks beating the Vols at Williams Brice.

Sunday, seeing that my scrappy room was all nice and clean and organized I decided that I really need to get some of these older page kits scrapped.  So, I worked on one page prior to the Green Bay Packer game.  I need to print a larger picture for one spot, trim it, adhere it and its a done page.  I really like that I used nontraditional colors for the theme of the page.  I watched the football game, we lost in overtime to the Titans, bummer.  After the game I went and got groceries, came home made supper, and then scrapped some more.  I got another page completely done.  It feels so good to have my room back.  I cleaned up after both pages and now I am ready to scrap some more.  But, I think that will have to wait until tomorrow, as it is late and I must work in the morning.  

Until next time, peace out from the bunny hole.


I have none, and really I should. I have piles of work to do, but no motivation to do it. Anyone else feel this way?

In the mean time, here is a picture of all us gals at the crop out in Utah a couple weeks ago. It was the night of the pajama party, hence the pjs. And yes, I am the one wearing bunny ears.

Well that's it for now from the bunny hole, peace out.

I got me some plunder!!

That is right, my trip to Utah was nothing short of a plundering of the scrappy stores that I managed to get to. What fun, the stores there were so awesome, so much stuff that I have never laid eyes on, and all the yummy stuff I have only seen online. Not that my LSS isn't great, it is, but everything there is well from there.

I was a naughty girl, but the voices told me to!! The first day we hit two stores, and I came a way with some great finds, mostly paper but some fun embellies and stamps too. Then I went with Harps to where the crop was going to be, she had to teach a class. Well, needless to say there, I think I plundered that store the most--my first receipt was about 3 feet long or so. Oops, I did say that I had been a naughty girl, and nope not a tinge of guilt here. Then I had to go next door to JoAnn, well that store was NOTHING like the crusty ones here. It was clean and the scrappy area was GINORMOUS!!! I saw some cute stuff, the Hello Kitty Sizzix Dies were cute, but I did resist the temptations. I did manage to find a few must haves while I was there, go figure.

The plundering continued at the crop, well all that yummy goodness how could I not. Plus we went to the other store, and they had different stock--excuses excuses I know. Oh and I cannot leave out the fun at DCWV!!! Not only did we get a very cool tour, lunch, we were part of a focus group, but we got to shop their warehouse. Scrapbookers gone wild is how I will some that up. They didn't even need to finish the question before all of us had our hands up, like we would pass up this shopping opportunity. I can just say I felt like I robbed the place, and boy did that pile of paper expand rather quickly, but 75% off come on now, you know I am going to be naughty. Besides, hubby said I could.

But the plundering did not stop there, nope sure didn't. It continued on Saturday morning when we went to the yummy store that Mer works at. Plundered me some there too, fun paper and stamps, honestly its a sickness. Did I mention that I was not the only plunderer?? Because Shellie helped some and so did Scatty, and well, lets just say we were a band of merry scrappers plundering the treasures of the Utah Scrappy Goodness.

Alas, the plundering came to an end at Robert's. I have heard so much about this store it seemed so odd to finally be walking into one. I would compare it to AC Moore more than Hobby Lobby or Michael's, but it just seemed to have well new stuff. It could have been new to me, but hey new nonetheless. Oh, and I was actually able to find a Coluzzle Circle template--thank goodness!!!! I think this is the store that I actually spent the least amount at, funny, but by this time I had realized, Girl enough on the paper.

Oh but boy did I have a great time, and I am so glad that Harps agreed to ship it all home for me. Don't worry I gave her money, and by the look of it, I gave her just enough. She sent me two huge flat rate boxes packed to the hilt!!! When I got home from work when they arrived hubby just said, don't hurt your back, lol. I knew, he did not, there was no way to prepare him for the paper plunder he was about to behold. All he said when we got done was, "I thought we had talked about your paper problem?" I told him yes, but, and at the same time we agreed, it w"was a relapse!" Good thing he gets it or I would be in so much trouble.

Now, to find a place to store all my new plunder, and to find the time to use some of it!!! I had such a great time, I so could make that trip an annual trip!!! Well, I need to get myself out from under this pile of paper. Until next time, peace out!

What an awesome time!!!!

That's right you guessed it I am back from my scrappy adventure to Utah and it was an absolute blast. The scrappy shopping was awesome, better than expected, I promise I did leave some paper there. The crop was a blast too, didn't get much done but I had a great time meeting all the ladies from CX and such. It was awesome that some of the non croppin' CX ladies stopped by to say hi. I was so bummed that we missed Jen G. Next time, oh sheesh, I sure hope there is a next time. Ok, I guess I better do a recap.

1:30 a.m. get up and get ready to go to the airport
2:30 a.m. leave for said airport
4:15 a.m. arrive at said airport
6:30 a.m. get on plane one (did I mention there was only suppose to be one plane, yeah right, that is a whole other blog post)
8:04 a.m. land at airport two--hurry to get to plane two
8:30 a.m. arrive at plane two, they are boarding :growl:
10:34 a.m. arrive in Salt Lake City, Utah! whooop whoop, I am dog tired but it didn't last long
11 a.m. Harps gets me at the airport and we cruise around to see about something to eat, yeah I haven't eaten yet
NOON Done eating, let the shopping begin--we hit two stores before we went back to her house so she could see the family, I could drop my stuff off, and then we were off to the store she works at and where the crop is going to be.

5 p.m. So, while Harps taught her class I walked around the lss there and well shopped with out a care in the world. I then went next door to JoAnns, wow, so not like the crusty ones in town here. And the scrappy section there was huge!!! Went back to Heartland, shopped more. When Harps got done with class some of the Utah girls showed up to help set up for the crop. Kitty, Val, Jen, and Mon were all so sweet!!! We got that done and off to the house for some sleep.

10:30 p.m. Back at Harps and chatting with her and her husband, they are so cute. I believe I hit the bed about 11:30 or so. Long day but so much fun.

7 a.m. Up!! Stupid internal clock.
9 a.m. Leave house for crop, errands and coffee on the way. I must have coffee to be human.
9:30 a.m. Arrive at Heartland to get the croppin' started. I got to meet TB and his wife, they dropped off the prizes that CX donated, what an awesome place. Shortly there after, Scatty, Meg, Stacy, and Leslie showed up. The Southern contingent was present and accounted for. People started to trickle in, Christine, Shan`e, Roshelle, Alicia, (if I spell a name wrong I am so sorry), Randi, I am forgetting two or three names, they will come to me. Anyway, by the end of the day, we were all there, Nana, Shellie, and Mer joined us. We went to the other store and did a little Make-n-Take, fun little tag.

Lots and lots of chatting, I did manage to finish a page, and get almost done with a second. :D We all left the crop about 12 or a little after. Off to the house and hit the bed.

7 a.m. Up and adam, stupid internal clock!!
8:30 a.m. go for breakfast at Jen's house, she is so fun!!
10 a.m. Leave to go to DCWV!!! Wow what a blast this was. We got a tour, then off to lunch and a focus group--their first ever, very cool stuff. After that we went to their warehouse where we got to shop at 75% off prices. OMG let me tell you what, a girl could get in some serious trouble in there :D.

4 p.m. Arrive back at Heartland after a small pit stop at Wally World, I did find some really cute pj's and a Happy Bunny Halloween shirt :D. I needed some better jammies, it was jammie night!! I did manage to finish my page, and an entire other page. So my page count on day two was four, I know impressive as all get out.

Harps had to go home early, she was not feeling well. So, I followed Roshelle back to the house in Harps's DH's van. I am just going to say, experience, and no I don't drive a mini van. It was about 1 or so when I finally got to sleep.

7:30 a.m. Wow look, internal snooze! LOL
9:30 a.m. Ride with Ashley (I so know I spelled that wrong) ride to Heartland, for we are taking a little field trip to the store that Mer works at, and then its my big day.
11 or so we leave for Mer's LSS, a little late, but better late than never. Wow, what a fun little store it was too!!! Again, I had a great time shopping. I honestly do not know how my brain did not just explode, all the fun scrappy stuff that I have never seen face to face before. I tell ya, a girl can go crazy, and yes I did, thank you very much!! Oh, and there just happens to be a Roberts just down the way, well yes I had to go. Now for those that don't know, Robert's is like a Micheal's' or an AC Moore. Good deals in there too!! Naughty, yes and loving it! Ok, we need to cruise, Shellieh and I have plans.

1:30 Back at Heartland, food, makeup and hair--yes I got a little girlie girl. More on that later :wink:

5:30 / 6 p.m. Back to Heartland, supper is about ready, then the Personal Trainer guy came in to show us some stretches to do. Very helpful. By this time I really had to start packing, what an over whelming prospect that was. Oh, but we did play Greedy Girls, and that was fun, I will be sure to post pictures from that! Then packing. I decided to leave almost everything I bought there and had Harps ship it. I didn't want to go over weight on my suitcase, $80 seemed a bit steep when I knew I could get the stuff in some flat rate boxes (well Harps). So, I got my stuff all packed up, said my see y'all laters and I was off to the airport.

11:55 p.m. Get on plane number one

5:30 a.m. Arrive in Atlanta, airport number two for a three hour layover, joy and bliss
8:30 a.m. Second plane leaves for Charlotte
10:04 a.m. Arrive in Charlotte
12:30 p.m. Arrive at Home HURRAY

Once I got cleaned up I just lounged around on the couch all day and watched football, I love watching football. Snoozed some too. Well, I know I didn't discuss my loot, but I am saving that for when it arrives. I cannot wait, I wonder if I should take that afternoon off? LOL. Alright, thats it for now, until next time, peace!

Getting almost time!!

I cannot believe that in two days I will be in SLC shopping with little miss Harps at all the Scrappy stores. I am sure its not what I envision, you know a scrappy store on every corner, and isles and isles of paper, but its all good. I cannot be disappointed in the shopping, if I am most likely in need of a good shrink, lol.

So, today was my only day of work at work, and it was busy. Worked on the (and just forgot something I was suppose to do) reports I had started last week. I have most of them done, but the one I needed done before I left was done, so that is good. I had two meetings today, Department Heads, which I was almost late for, and a Faculty Meeting, which I was a little late for. I would have been on time, but seriously students do not know how to move through the hallways. Oh, and at lunch a few of us went down to the Fair Grounds, its South Carolina State Fair Time, for lunch. And man was that corn dog ever good, Bailey's are the best!!!! The fried mushrooms were awesome, and the sweet potato fries could have been crispier but still mmmmmmm, my allotment of grease has been met for the remainder of the year.

Other than that, just having some Internet issues at the house, but we are taking care of that. Hopefully I will get home from my trip and we will be all set up with high speed--how cool would that be. Not near as cool as going to crop in Salt Lake City baby!!!! Did I mention that? Oh, and one last thing, I got to see the most precious pic of my friends new baby girl Ella today. I need more details, but that little girl is beautiful with her full head of hair. Welcome Ella!!! And Frogs, breath, if nothing else breath, and buzz me if you need me girl.

Well that is it for now, have a good one, and if by chance I am MIA for a couple days its because I am in Salt Lake City, and I will be sure to update when I get back. Peace out from the Bunny Hole!!!

Friday, Hurray!

The week that was, what a day, what a week it will be!!

This week it was numbers numbers numbers. I realize I am the money person at work, but some days the only way I make it through is with my new mantra: "I love math, Excel is my friend!" And well, that could sum up the work week. It doesn't help when frustration sets in, then I usually step away, but the week was full of them. One good thing, my assistant helped me out big time, I know I tried that and on more than one thing too, but, today it worked. Don't ask, however, I do suspect a gremlin in my work space, I could be wrong. So, that helped, and it will really helped with my Monday as well. Because Monday next week at work is my Friday next week at work--it sure is going to be a busy, hectic, where did the day go day, and a faculty meeting to top it off. Joy and bliss! Could life at work get any better?

And then there is the week that will be. I cannot believe that I fly to Salt Lake City, Utah in five days to go scrapping. Yes, I think I just got goose bumps, excited much? I cannot believe that I am going to a Scrapbookers Paradise!!!! Not to mention a tour, lunch, and a focus group at DCWV!! How totally cool, Harps is so rocking this. Oh, and yes another reason to be excited, I get to see Harps, Nana, Meg, and Scatty again, and I get to meet a bunch of ladies from CX that I haven't met yet as well as some ladies we will need to recruit. My page kits are planned, my scrappy stuff is ready to go (I know I know but I have an EARLY flight.) Did I mention that I am totally excited about this trip, even if there could be snow. I get to go scrap book shop hopping!! Too bad there is still a lot to do between now and then.

Busy bunny for sure. I have a very long list of things I need to accomplish before I leave. Luckily one thing is done, haircut check! Did that after work, which is very cute, I should probably get a picture because I will never have it look like this again until the next hair cut! But that is something I needed to do before the photo shoot too. Laundry, clean, groceries, pack, and then throw work and family in there, shew, I am so glad I have Tuesday off.

Alright then, until next time, peace out from the Bunny Hole!

And its not even my Birthday!!

i pod
i mac
i spoiled

YES I AM!!!!

What a fun day for me. First, I finally broke down and decided to get the Big Bug aka Cricut Expression machine. What finally sold me was the ability to make my own embossing folders and stamps. I know they are working on some other stuff too, so yes I finally got bit by the bug. I have yet to play with it, but I think it likes its new home. This weekend I will have to look at it and see what I can do. But I am way excited!!

Second, dh came home with a present for me too, an iMac, and its beautiful. But of course I am going to have learn a new system, but I have a feeling I am going to be in love!!!

And third, its only six more days and I will be in Salt Lake City baby!!!!!! That is right, the Bunny is going on the road to crop with some girls from CX, and of course some scrappy shopping. I have been saving up for months, I mean really I am going to the mecca of Scrappydom and I am beyond stoked about it.

So, yes I am spoiled, but its all good, I am worth it.

Until next time, peace out from the Bunny Hole!!!

Bunny Blogging Take Two

Hey all y'all!!!

I realize that its been a long while. I will attempt to do better no promises.

Let's start with an update, the last time I posted I had just got the Cataloging job at the Law Library.

Well, I started on August 16th and have been loving it. In December I actually became the Head of Tech Services, and the Acquisitions Librarian. I have four full time assistants, one part time assistant, and a part time catalog librarian in my department. It sure does keep me busy.

Let me say one thing, the Law Librarians and the vendors sure know how to throw a party!! Baton Rouge was great, went there for SEALL, then I went to New Orleans for AALL, and this past July I attended AALL in Portland. I have met a lot of great people, and wonderful resources. Another cool thing about going on trips for work, I get to meet my CX friends in person, which is very cool.

I am still scrapping away--that will be the next post, I need to hit the bed.

Y'all have a good one, peace out from the hole!