That is right, my trip to Utah was nothing short of a plundering of the scrappy stores that I managed to get to. What fun, the stores there were so awesome, so much stuff that I have never laid eyes on, and all the yummy stuff I have only seen online. Not that my LSS isn't great, it is, but everything there is well from there.
I was a naughty girl, but the voices told me to!! The first day we hit two stores, and I came a way with some great finds, mostly paper but some fun embellies and stamps too. Then I went with Harps to where the crop was going to be, she had to teach a class. Well, needless to say there, I think I plundered that store the most--my first receipt was about 3 feet long or so. Oops, I did say that I had been a naughty girl, and nope not a tinge of guilt here. Then I had to go next door to JoAnn, well that store was NOTHING like the crusty ones here. It was clean and the scrappy area was GINORMOUS!!! I saw some cute stuff, the Hello Kitty Sizzix Dies were cute, but I did resist the temptations. I did manage to find a few must haves while I was there, go figure.
The plundering continued at the crop, well all that yummy goodness how could I not. Plus we went to the other store, and they had different stock--excuses excuses I know. Oh and I cannot leave out the fun at DCWV!!! Not only did we get a very cool tour, lunch, we were part of a focus group, but we got to shop their warehouse. Scrapbookers gone wild is how I will some that up. They didn't even need to finish the question before all of us had our hands up, like we would pass up this shopping opportunity. I can just say I felt like I robbed the place, and boy did that pile of paper expand rather quickly, but 75% off come on now, you know I am going to be naughty. Besides, hubby said I could.
But the plundering did not stop there, nope sure didn't. It continued on Saturday morning when we went to the yummy store that Mer works at. Plundered me some there too, fun paper and stamps, honestly its a sickness. Did I mention that I was not the only plunderer?? Because Shellie helped some and so did Scatty, and well, lets just say we were a band of merry scrappers plundering the treasures of the Utah Scrappy Goodness.
Alas, the plundering came to an end at Robert's. I have heard so much about this store it seemed so odd to finally be walking into one. I would compare it to AC Moore more than Hobby Lobby or Michael's, but it just seemed to have well new stuff. It could have been new to me, but hey new nonetheless. Oh, and I was actually able to find a Coluzzle Circle template--thank goodness!!!! I think this is the store that I actually spent the least amount at, funny, but by this time I had realized, Girl enough on the paper.
Oh but boy did I have a great time, and I am so glad that Harps agreed to ship it all home for me. Don't worry I gave her money, and by the look of it, I gave her just enough. She sent me two huge flat rate boxes packed to the hilt!!! When I got home from work when they arrived hubby just said, don't hurt your back, lol. I knew, he did not, there was no way to prepare him for the paper plunder he was about to behold. All he said when we got done was, "I thought we had talked about your paper problem?" I told him yes, but, and at the same time we agreed, it w"was a relapse!" Good thing he gets it or I would be in so much trouble.
Now, to find a place to store all my new plunder, and to find the time to use some of it!!! I had such a great time, I so could make that trip an annual trip!!! Well, I need to get myself out from under this pile of paper. Until next time, peace out!
very jealous girl! i can store your um plunder...yeah, yeah...and return it to you say...NEVER! lol! glad you had so much fun!
I tell you with the crop being held at Robert's last year I easily spent like 300+! I blamed this expenditure all on the fact that just broke my wrist before the crop so what else could a girl do!???!!!!!! Glad to see you are blogging! come visit me!
holy crapola! You racked up woman!
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