Work has been just crazy. There have been state wide budget cuts, and well that includes my little slice of the state budget. I have been busy at work creating reports, counting pennies, canceling titles and trying to cut our budget. I am not the decision maker for the budget, but I am in charge of the bills, so it really affects me and my staff. There has been a lot of stress and extra work and I think its starting to get to all of us. I may just have to do a departmental get out of the office free card and take everyone to lunch somewhere. I would say order it, but honestly I think we need to get out of the office and have some non-office fun. I wonder if pool and lunch would be doable? May have to look into that, have a little departmental Christmas party.
Sorta got off the track there. Any way I have been working hard and feeling like I am accomplishing nothing. Just when I think I may be caught up something else lands on my desk, usually via email. It just seems like it is never going to end, and I am thinking it has to or else I could be in for a world of hurt.
Home has been a little crazy too. I have been playing phone tag with several close friends and never seeming to get to chat. I did get to talk to my bestest friend in the world the other day. It was so nice to catch up and to learn more about her new little daughter. I just hope that little stinker gets good and strong so she can have her much needed surgery. I want to go up and see them, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen anytime soon. Maybe a good Birthday present. Any way we found out that hubby doesn't have narcolepsy, which is good, but still he is so sleepy all the time. They gave him some meds to try for the sleepiness, and well lets just say that not so much. I knew when I read the possible side effects that he should not take them, but he tried one any way, and well I was right. Yikes!!! So now, who knows.
I really need to work in my scrappy room. I have two baby albums I need to get done by December 6th, and between then and now is Turkey day. Not only do I have albums I have to make, I have a bunch of page kits that I need to do. I just want to have them done, they have been sitting here waiting to be scrapped for way to long. I am hoping that this weekend I can not only get a bunch of much needed house work done, but get some scrapping done too. My room needs to be straightened up, nothing to outrageous, but it needs to be done. Plus I want to make sure that my mil can be in my scrappy room with me, going to try to get her to make some cards, will have to see about getting some kits together maybe. Did I just give myself more work, am I nuts.
On that note, the in-laws are coming for Turkey Day, and I am excited!!!! Need to do some prep work for them but with hubby's help we will have it ship shape before they get here. I sorta wish they were coming Tuesday but, I guess Wednesday will do. Thursday we will feast and watch football (hopefully there will be a game worth watching, if not no football for me.) And then if tradition stands on Friday morning mil and I will be crazy and get up really early and go shopping :D!!! We have so much fun.
So, seeing that I had no idea where to start, I have no idea where to end. As one can see its been hectic around here!!! Someone tell me that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, that is unless its that freight train, in which case get its number because it done hit me. Hopefully I will get some time to upload some new creations. That's it for now from the bunny hole, peace out!
Disclaimer: If this post seems very random, sketchy, choppy, or otherwise just plain odd, it is due to the sleepy nature of the Bunny. One hopes I will be more awake next time!!!
I feel like you do! Wow, you better get moving on those albums my dear cuz Decemeber 6th is not that far away!
big hugs my furry friend! sometimes you just need to step away from it all. go see a movie...go to lunch with your co-workers like you suggested...something different. i'm here for you girl...
girl, you need to sit back and just chill for a while! Go have some bunny time.
Sorry about all your frustrations at work... I guess it's everywhere though, huh!
I'm anxious for Turkey day too, and for the shopping the day after... enjoy your family time
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