Cleaning and late night calls

Howdy all, sorry its been a while I have been tired, playing with my music, and just plain busy with everything. Both my home and work offices are coming together, unfortunately between my cabinets at work and my closet at home are still in desperate need, and I really need to get those little projects in my office finished. Cleaning, not my favorite thing, never has been.

Not much has been up, meetings at work and animals at the house. On Sunday the terror cat woke me up by nibbling on my toes, better then the lawn mower but actually earlier, I just can't win.

I did finally get a call back from my big brother, I talk to his answering machine more than him. However, he was true to his form of calling at all hours. He called at midnight Sunday/Monday to ask me where I work. I really need to tell him to check the business card. I guess he had some patrons at his establishment in Nashville in town for the Carolina game and they got to talking and he needed to know where I work. He always thinks its Southern Baptist so he wanted to get it right. Like I said check the business card. He is such a nut, really need to schedule that trip to see him, but with everything going on I do not think it will be any time soon, maybe during hockey season and see a Predators game. (Good idea, always thinking.)

Well that is it from this bunny hole, keep it real.

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