First, what isn't done. Well, I have yet to create the curtains, but I have some very cute material, it reminded me of some Basic Grey Paper I have. I still have to spray and hang up my wire racks. These are over the door spice racks that I will use for my ribbon and some other things. They most likely will get mounted right to the wall above my work table. Other than that I need to create my stencil so I can put a design back up on my hutch and a couple other places. I have the design picked out it is just a matter of cutting and and doing.
Second, the colors. As I said before the colors are Walls--Ballerina Pink (much to the surprise of almost anyone who knows me), Accent One--Aloe Vera Green, and Accent Two--Sarsaparilla Brown. Since I could not get the exact colors in the spray paint I used Satin thistle Field (light pink), Satin Everglade Glen, Satin Brown Velvet, and Gloss Frosty Berry. I spray painted a lot of storage things that I had, I found a lot of storage stuff in the right colors at the dollar store as well.
Third, welcome to Bunny's Scrappy Hole:
This is a view of my main work space from the door. My Ott Light matches the room and I found some glitter lava lamps at Five Below that work perfect. I have my little crop caddy in the pink camo bucket, can I say I LOVE the Dollar Tree. A small cork board for inspiration and a little rack for my Xyron X's and sanding block. On the keyboard tray sits my glass cutting mat and a small light table, my scanner is to the right as well as my trimmers and other tools. To the left is a storage area that has my Sticker Binders and other scrappy supplies. And I know, I need a different colored desk chair.
Here is the Hutch I was referring to. I found it at Good Will for $50 and refurbished it with some distress painting techniques. I used the Sarsaparilla Brown and the Aloe Vera Green.
What kind of Librarian would I be if I didn't have a card catalog? Seriously, found this on Craig's List and had to have it. It sits atop an old entertainment center that I found at the Habitat Store. Painted it and happy Library Bunny here. I have my cigar boxes waiting to be altered stored in there.
In the card catalog I have Sizzlit dies, small acrylic stamps, stamping tools, stamping mediums, tools, and some Cricut items. Another DVD stand houses my Cricut Cartridges. My large cutting board sits on top and is completely accessible, along with a idea books. The computer stand holds my Cricut.
My ode to all that is Tim Holtz and Ranger above my desk. Don't need to say much more than that.
Here is the area to the left of my desk, just a small shelf unit painted along with some little storage boxes I found on clearance at Lowe's years ago. I had to paint them as they were black and orange. They hold things like brads, eyelets, beads, buttons, you know all those little small em-bellies we love so much. I found the little bins at the Dollar Tree and the wood boxes are from Michael's, I of course painted them. I have Markers, acrylic blocks, and acrylic stamps stored here. The bottom shelf has my idea binders and inventory lists, hey I am a librarian what did you expect. The ribbon hanging is on a multiple hanger thing and I used the individual holes to organize the colors--repurpose!!
Next is my closet, which was so small but add a couple of shelves and there you go instant Paper Place. I painted the three drawer storage units because they were white and I just couldn't have that. Storage bins both plastic and cloth from the Dollar Tree and no paint needed on the plastic ones. In the bottom of the closet I have my crop bags and my bags of scrap paper, which I use for cards and such all the time. I have a little rack that will be put up on one of the doors--its the little rack I bought at the Ranger Warehouse Sale last year. Most of my 12x12 fits on the one shelf but not all of it, but that is okay my Basic Grey and Tim Holtz have special places just for them.
Now on to my favorite thing, my work table. I found the idea on Pintrest, so thank you very much. I painted the surface with all three colors so it looks distress and old, I absolutely love it and it really took no time at all to do. The surface is a hallow interior door and it sits on two shelf units I found at WalMart. I spray painted the shelf units so that they looked like they had been used for awhile.
Under neath I have a couple storage things that I have tools and such in that I do not use as often and some crop bags with projects in them. The stool is from the Ranger Sale as well, it was FREE so my mom grabbed it. I am thinking of painting this Ott Light, which was a gift at a crop I attended (I know right). Above the work table I have two more racks with stamps and some embellishments. The top holds my Big Kick, small paper cutter, Xyron cutter and specialty 8 1/2 x 11 paper. I also have pencil holders and the like all painted to go with the room. A long time ago I found these cute light bulb things, so I painted them, and have a pink light in each of them, the room glows at night it is so fun.
Here are the shelf units of the work table, I decided to get the ones with doors so that it would look neater, the inside is painted green and the outside pink. Again the bins are from the Dollar Tree. They work well for so many things and I love how everything goes together.
So, there it is, Bunny's Scrappy Hole all ready to get the mojo flowing. Oh wait I already have. In fact, I really liked the color palette challenge over at Ranger this month and thought it would work perfect for the idea I had for my Dad's Father's Day card.
Seeing that my Dad likes wine and the card is late it seemed appropriate. On the inside it says "To the finest Father ever aged."

Please let me know what you think, if you have any questions about any thing. I am so happy to finally have my room done, I could live in here! Well, that is it for now so keep on hopping, peace, Bunny Out!!