Had the third procedure on my right knee on Wednesday, which means the third visit to the surgery center. They remembered me from my previous visits, and as usual were all very sweet and helpful to us. We got there about 11 a.m. and were home by 4 p.m. so it wasn't too bad, but then again I was drugged for the most part

I had the excess scar tissue removed from my knee, and the doctors seemed surprised by the amount of it they took out. It was causing more problems and could have really caused major problems in the future, so it is a very good thing that it was removed. I am not on crutches for three weeks, but I can put weight on it and move it around some, I don't have full range of motion but it is wrapped in an ace bandage. I have three little holes around my knee cap, one stitch per hole. These should be removed on Tuesday when I go to the doctor, hopefully after that he will let me drive, other wise I am not sure when I will be able to go back to work. I have had no physical therapy prescribed yet, but that may be coming on Tuesday as well. No matter what it is not as bad as the ACL repair or the manipulation after that.
Not much else has been going on here.
My animals have been taking good care of me. The terror cat has turned to little cuddle cat

Other than that there is football. The Packers beat the Vikings

The SCCheeseHead won also, so that is three in a row and ranked fifth in the league. This week will be another difficult one for the SCCH, the team being played is ranked tenth but has some very strong players. I have made some trades and moved some players around so I am hoping that this will be for the better. I will keep everyone posted. As for the Packers we are at Houston this week for a Sunday Night game, looking forward to it, hope for another really good game and a tally in the win column.
Well that is about it from this bunny hole, hope all is well out there. Go read a book and turn those library books in on time. :) Keep on keepin' it, peace
Librarian on the loose |

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