Wednesday--day one--I got kisses from my niece. One of the bestest of all the highlights. We played a bunch and had a good time. For those of you who know this is a big huge and glorious thing for that sweet adorable cute little thing.
Thursday I spent the day with one of my best friends, went out for breakfast and did a little shopping. I found new material for the manimals game day bandannas. Not much else for that day, but I did get my niece of the bus, and she was happy to see me. Joy and bliss.
Friday I got my hair cut, by above mentioned friend, and it looks pretty good. That night my parents, sister, her friend, and my dad's mom went out for fish. It was nice.
Saturday my in-laws came up to my parents to see me. It was very nice to see them. We had a nice visit, short but nice. That night I went out for supper with friends, only one I graduated high school with, and her husband. I was in their wedding and they are still together--other then my marriage the only wedding I was in that is still together, thanks guys. We had a really good time.
Sunday was awesome. Lambeau Field in October. It was the afternoon game so we didn't have to get up too insanely early to drive half way across the state of Wisconsin. I found out earlier in the trip that my game companion would be my mom's mom, my little 85 year-old grandma. She had never been to Green Bay for a game and she was going with me--so very very cool. We picked her up on the way. I had hoped to nap on the way there, but I was way to excited--I love the Green Bay Packers (even have a song called "We Love Bret Farve"). While the folks were preparing our tailgating feast I made my way to the Pro Shop for some Green and Gold stuff. On the way there a photographer wanted to take a picture of the large group waiting to cross the street with the nice little police man that was helping us. That was cool. Well the police man saw my game day shoes (Green and Gold high-top Converse All-Star Chuck Taylors with Green Bay Packer shoe laces), so he had the photographer take a picture of my shoes. I have no idea what the photos were for but now who ever sits in those seats has to get a game day program to see if my shoes are in there. It was cool. I got me a cheese head at the Pro Shop as well as some other items. I wanted to get the dogs jerseys but since they had no number 88 for our little one I could not get either of them one, maybe next time. Tail gating was great, had a good time, Packer fans are some of the best in the world. Then we went to the game. Man that game was electrifying--much better then last years, but we won't go there. By half-time we were kicking butts and taking names. By the end of the game I could hardly contain myself. Grandma and I had a great time and the Packers beat the Cowboys 41-20, HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And there are the highlights of my trip. After the game the only highlight was actually getting home, but that is an entirely different blog.

Well keep on keepin' it real. From this bunny hole, Peace out.