First, I did get the job at Widener University School of Law. My first day on the job was October 1, 2010. It has been a crazy 18 months and all the experiences that this opportunity has handed me have been well an experience. In that time I have also taken on some more responsibilities with my professional organizations, which included...wait for it...a panel presentation at annual conference last year. I was actually very happy with how I did too, which is a surprise because I was nervous as all get out, and well the room had at least ten times more people in there then we thought we would show up. Okay, there is a quick recap.
Second, I bought a house :) Yes I did. I have a very nice little house on one acre not far from anywhere. I am about half way between Baltimore and Philly. One cool thing is being back in the land of hockey. I have so gotten into Flyers Hockey (if you follow me on Twitter you may have already noticed that). It is so odd wearing orange given my dislike for all that is orange when it comes to the orange of the SEC football circuit. Despite being in Philly I still cheer hard for my Packers and my Carolina Gamecocks. My house is slowly coming together. I have a beautiful bedroom of my dreams and my scrappy room is coming together.
Third, personally a lot has changed as well. I recently lost my grandma after a long difficult battle with Alzheimer's. She was a vibrant woman who taught me so much. She will be greatly missed but I know that I gained another angel. Lots of other things have happened as well, and those of you close to me know what it is. To all my friends who helped me through all of this I really appreciate you. You really do find out who your true friends are when you hit rock bottom, so thank you for pulling me out of that dark place I love all of you.
For now, lastly...I have started my scrapping again. I have for the most part been doing cards. I am in the process of wrapping up a two week online course with Tim Holtz called Creative Chemistry 101. I have so enjoyed it, I have learned so much and I cannot wait for his next installment. Most of you know that I have a scrappy crush on Tim, well it has grown. The man is a creative genius and has a sense of humor to boot. No worries Mario, I just love him for his creative mind :). I want to share some cards I made using some of the techniques that we learned in the class, so, here goes. Please let me know what you think.

Yes, for the most part it is all Ranger Inks, I will have to say one of my most favorite companies when it comes to scrappy stuff.
I will do my best to not be such a stranger, but for now keep on keeping on. Oh yeah, and smile it makes the world wonder what you are up to :P
Bunny Out!